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The team wishes you a happy and prosperous year 2016. 2015 have been hard we will try to make next year better. To all our viewers we say thank you. For believing in us all these years. We are grateful to have your comments.

culture vs change

culture or the choice to remain in the dark

Culture is what guide the African culture. The question today is are we to hold to our culture, the way our fore father have about life. their believe, gods, traditions or should we shake the script and write our own. This is a dilemma for all Africans per our respect to the elderly is the mecca. We owe the respect to the old, the cultural aspect of it. Culture is more about clinging to the past. Its more about knowing what it was like in the pass and the way we’ve gone. Many will argue we should keep our culture. And I say lets stay in the nature, in the wild forest. Raining on us when we can live in modern houses. You can not take the modern houses then setup a huge fire to make your dishes. May be a fire place in cold area to warm the house.
culture and Africa
The modern African culture is about the change that produce in the population. The growing interest to improve our life condition. The compromise to pass to the next generation our history. The commitment of never refusing who we where. know where you come from to plan where is your destination.
Africa today should face this as a meta. The youth have to bear that thirst of change keeping the fathers memories. Technology is our ally today, use it to be more and get more. It is gone the time when we have to wait for everything to happen. today we can use the knowledge to predict thus to be prepare for the upcoming. No matter what the future have for the black continent, the children of Africa are ready for it. Giving has always been the African drive, its time we give to the world our vision. How we live and die is part of our personality. the way we approach these theme is a mark of our being. We don’t need to copy orders just to learn from them. As the child learn from the father to be a better human being.

Burkina Faso and the Arab revolutions

Burkina Faso and the Arab revolutions why its works for others?

It was just a coup like many in Africa. The difference here is that burkina stood for democracy to change things. from my point of view it was just childish calculation. If the population got raid of Blaise Compaore after 27 years. what was the new military group expecting? It is enough to hold your population in dark for so long. while we are still waiting for the west to create a universal law. No more everlasting leader, no more president from a coup. what we should learn from Burkina is the population have to be part of every process. There will be casualties, in any struggle it is just like the price you pay.
burkina faso
Other african country should get involve to remove any everlasting president. Zimbabwe, Cameroon, equatorial Guinea etc …
We have up coming elections in many african countries. The Burkina example might be useful. Evolution is the key word to lead Africa out of the dark. From DR Congo to cote d’Ivoire the election are held to renew office. some generation know only one president. Born in Cameroon in 1984 you have only had Paul Biya. The same occur in Zimbabwe, Congo, Guinea and more. This is a long-term process that could finalize in 2020. Africa has the youngest population in the world. The population is still in a rise and we could take advantage for the next generation.
The Arab falls with changes was a dynamic start. The black continent could catch up. The growth in economy should be on the mentality. like a general process moving forward the liberation of Africa as a continent. We have the most dynamic continent. Our constitutions and laws are not a century old. Therefore one can expect them to be updated. But some of our leader for the good or bad reason keep them still. If you can change the laws when it suits you for an election. You can definitely to improve the life of your people. In Burkina Compaore who ruled after a coup was involved in all the peace talk!!! Now you join the population to consider him and his friends as villains !!! This how good is the AU. Going where the wind blows just like tree. If you want to a tree at least be a mighty baobab!!!

suicide attack and boko haram

suicide attack the boko haram deadliest weapon of mass destruction

suicide attack the boko haram war in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. How an army deal with suicide bomber? what should these governement do to stop the attacks?

suicide attack

Nigeria tried to send more troops in the north to stop the attacks. cameroon follow the same movement of troops. But yet we are waiting to see the positive results. is this approach effective dealing with terrorist? boko haram have no real army but people attach to their cause. It is working for them very well. You have nationals armies with armoured cars. The support of intelligency and the police beating up by mere bandits. suicide attack like any other technique have something we can use to stop. I therefore think than the armies of Nigeria, Cameroon and all neighbouring countries. should work hard and come up with the formula. Not with heavy artillery as we’ve seen that does not work.
We can give idea here to say how we can stop suicide bombing in Nigeria or Cameroon. We can seek advice to the US of America and other countries.

refugee the fruit of all conflicts

Refugees vs illegal migrants

refugee the fruit of all conflicts we create around the globe. Why innocent will always pay the price of political or economic mastermind? Syria, Libya, DRC, Nigeria etc… Where ever there is a turmoil expect the movement of population. People will seek refuge in a safe country. Maybe the nearest or a paradise in Babylon.

Refugee are flooding in Europe now like an epidemic. Some move by war other by hardship at home, but always for survival. Men, women and children share the same fate in “illegal” migration. The geography of today was shape by these settlement. People flee some area because of religion and established somewhere else. Others by the vikkings in their quest to conquer. Century have passed now and we have only the history to tell. Blood have been mixed among the new comer and the local. It is now hard to say who was on the spot at the origin. Those we label today as refugee will one day call other seeking refuge migrant.
refugees vs migrants

Africa and slavery in the 21st century

Slavery and Africa’s demons

Africa is still struggling with its demon. With no sign of victory at sight. Mauritania is still practicing slavery today. Holding human being without any right. What is sad is in a continent with majority of black. You have a meaningless country like Mauritania practicing slavery in Africa.

It’s happens in other places certainly but not institutionalised. I think all African nation should stand against these inhuman practice. And cut off any relation with Mauritania jus like they did with apartheid. The race cannot be a factor of supremacy   Anywhere. The African Union, the united nation and all the human rights groups should take action.

Not only in Mauritania but also in Sudan , Nigeria, Cameroon, democratic Republic of Congo …
conflict vesrus slavery

physical fitness not welcome in Africa

Physical fitness not welcome in Africa

Why African physical fitness should be the corner stone for good health? You posses very good physical aptitude get the fitness for quality healthy life now. In sport African are mostly hire for the strength. they naturally possess physical ability in sports. football, basketball etc… A live football match with an African team is rough. checkout in this online tv channel and you will see. they are like warriors on the battle field defending the nation.

physical fitness

Why is it that the majority is not strong? I mean what I say. As kid we are told that African are naturally stronger. history will not quote me wrong here. then why is the life expectancy so short in Africa? what can break down the physical fitness in African? poor diet comes first in the list. follow by its business counter part, the diseases. those are the main responsible to sabotage health in the black continent.

physical fitness

women’s world cup 2015

women’s world cup

The world cup tournament in Canada will not be the best for Africa. after what will be remembered as a short trip. with the best performance for the Cameroon team. It is to early to look for the reasons of this low performance. Women’s soccer is not popular in Africa, and elsewhere. In Cameroon there is no league for women football. some organised event here and there as entertainment. Most men attend this venue just to eye the opposite sex. Is just like a window where they can spy girls. The women’s world cup was just this kind of event. With the major European league on holiday. You will expect women football to have all the football fans attention. The only country interested in the tournament are those playing. You will need cable TV to watch the games.

women's world cup

copa america 2015

with the copa the america going on what do you expect? world first class star are playing this event. mega stars like messi, neymar and others. playing women’s world cup at the same time does not help. the time matches are played is lake for Europe and Africa. mostly late night matches and you need to give viewers a sound reason to stay awake. Not just beautiful women running after the ball. when your country is part of the football team taking part you go for your flag. there is still a long way to go to make women football appealing. The girls representing Africa did great. we can only put our thumbs up. for a continent without a real football league. African football team are able to play against the big ones. when it comes to women sport you get to make more efforts. Against you culture, your family and your physical condition. For all those who spend sleepless night to support the girls thank you. the women’s world cup like the men world cup are to to built fraternal links in the world ecosystem.

music on Afro TV channels

Music video and Afro TV

Music in Afro TV Station is the most important part of African culture in the programs. It’s curious though all dancing are similar everywhere. Coincidence?

music & TV in Africa


What are the cultural differences you find in sub Saharan Africa? Is it possible to determine the musical and dance style to a region? Watch our African channel to discover the differences you did not know. From the Democratic republic of Congo to Cote d’Ivoire, through Kenya and get snap. All the music are not similar neither are the dance style. People live differently according to the area they live. What make this difference remain a mystery. The afro channel is a new concept of tv from africa. mostly provided online as internet tv.