Category Archives: african culture

culture vs change
culture or the choice to remain in the dark
Culture is what guide the African culture. The question today is are we to hold to our culture, the way our fore father have about life. their believe, gods, traditions or should we shake the script and write our own. This is a dilemma for all Africans per our respect to the elderly is the mecca. We owe the respect to the old, the cultural aspect of it. Culture is more about clinging to the past. Its more about knowing what it was like in the pass and the way we’ve gone. Many will argue we should keep our culture. And I say lets stay in the nature, in the wild forest. Raining on us when we can live in modern houses. You can not take the modern houses then setup a huge fire to make your dishes. May be a fire place in cold area to warm the house. Africa is still struggling with its demon. With no sign of victory at sight. Mauritania is still practicing slavery today. Holding human being without any right. What is sad is in a continent with majority of black. You have a meaningless country like Mauritania practicing slavery in Africa. It’s happens in other places certainly but not institutionalised. I think all African nation should stand against these inhuman practice. And cut off any relation with Mauritania jus like they did with apartheid. The race cannot be a factor of supremacy Anywhere. The African Union, the united nation and all the human rights groups should take action. Not only in Mauritania but also in Sudan , Nigeria, Cameroon, democratic Republic of Congo … Music in Afro TV Station is the most important part of African culture in the programs. It’s curious though all dancing are similar everywhere. Coincidence? What are the cultural differences you find in sub Saharan Africa? Is it possible to determine the musical and dance style to a region? Watch our African channel to discover the differences you did not know. From the Democratic republic of Congo to Cote d’Ivoire, through Kenya and get snap. All the music are not similar neither are the dance style. People live differently according to the area they live. What make this difference remain a mystery. The afro channel is a new concept of tv from africa. mostly provided online as internet tv. Black music paradise in Africa. This the music you will listen across the continent in your next visit. Through different style and cultural background roots Why Africa is not getting the help they need? If the infrastructure precede development, then re-plan your “AID” to the black continent. To make poor African government go to a peace meeting in Paris is just foolish. They spend the little they have in luxury hotel, while hospital lack of aspirin. African media have to say it people should know. The right to decide whether we accept your help or no. Ebola is out there since the 70’s but nobody was concern. Why immigration with more than 3072 deaths in 2014 only is not fought like Ebola with 3083 death all together? Many African lost their lives every year trying to reach Europe. There are thousands of them who will never cross the Mediterranean sea. In the attempt to the promise land they board in small boat without life jackets. Mos can not swim and have never been close to the sea. But the desperation will boost their courage to the death. Its a big shame because it happens every year. In Spain and Italy it is seasonal just like summer and winter. can we find a vaccine for immigration to stop the deaths? Ebola is in the other end of this spectrum of death. Here people are caught by surprise without any mean to defend themselves. most will die from the Ebola virus. Those who survive will live under constant suspicion that they can contaminate. I am only saying Ebola is one of many danger that threaten Africa. All the threat most be dealt with and it is a mistake to think that today the number one killer in Africa is Ebola virus. Black TV channels for African and African-american. Streaming Afro contents to reach all Africa and the world. The latest news and show, sports and music, history and culture a like. Africa TV is my love and I will like to share with others. My streaming project is therefore about sharing my passion with others. Africa is the unknown for lack of exposure by African. Here you will find the news cast by African living in Africa today. The exposure to western culture remain low in such cases. People act natural and say their mind. Politically or socially correct boundary is just African culture. I like to watch the mixture of news made at africa24 channel. All countries are brief here and you are update with the daily affairs. The cultural impact in black television is making possible that children out of Africa get an accurate picture. Some story may shock but it is what it is. Just telling it without all the fancy or the disregard from non black. Watch the free TV channel on muntumedia.com to have first hand. Yours Forever, may your soul find eternal peace and your legacy endure forever in the memories of Africa
The modern African culture is about the change that produce in the population. The growing interest to improve our life condition. The compromise to pass to the next generation our history. The commitment of never refusing who we where. know where you come from to plan where is your destination.
Africa today should face this as a meta. The youth have to bear that thirst of change keeping the fathers memories. Technology is our ally today, use it to be more and get more. It is gone the time when we have to wait for everything to happen. today we can use the knowledge to predict thus to be prepare for the upcoming. No matter what the future have for the black continent, the children of Africa are ready for it. Giving has always been the African drive, its time we give to the world our vision. How we live and die is part of our personality. the way we approach these theme is a mark of our being. We don’t need to copy orders just to learn from them. As the child learn from the father to be a better human being.
Africa and slavery in the 21st century
Slavery and Africa’s demons
music on Afro TV channels
Music video and Afro TV
Black music paradise
Music paradise in Africa
The major African cities have a very exciting night life. From Lagos to Johannesburg and Nairobi to Abidjan, find your music paradise locally. In Nigeria where artist like P-square reign with highlife, local music. Kinshasa is another mecca where music and dance are sacred. People just have gathering in the night clubs for fun. Watch out the sensual movement from girls and the response from male. It is a natural expression of bodies, in response to the beats. For the newbies some dance might be consider shocking. The cultural element come foremost and everyone add his local touch. Here we mix the world beats, rap, electronic and local music.
You can join the locals or just enjoy the show from the first line. Either way it is a life experience you will keep for your memories. Once I was ask in Dakar to dance. My first answer was man i don’t know how to dance this music. Someone from the crowd said to me start by moving only your head. I end up loose in the middle of a crowded club showing my own style ( very funny though). Because music paradise attracts crowd, you have to be careful with your belongings. Pick pockets like these venue with many people enjoying themselves. If you are with a guide no worry he will brief you about some basic security measure when partying. Common sense, your wallet and expensive item have to be kept away. Cash is the king and can easily get you out of a bad situation than a credit card. Music is about fun, joy and sorrow in Africa. The music beats moves all soul in the black continent. Come join any music paradise in Africa
media made in Africa
media made in Africa
Media made in Africa online to inform Africa. Why Gaddafi was remove, why there is war in Central African Republic or Sudan? Facts or only gossip for native. Afrique media TV broadcast a documentary on why the Libya everlasting leader was removed. According to that film the western world was just trying to stop him from the idea of African Union. Just like EU with its own currency, and institutions. Most of these project are on paper and have funded by Libya. All french speaking country in Africa don’t have currency. They used a kind of workaround with French Central Bank. The problem is if someone else control your finance you have no independence period! You can then come to the conclusion that half of the 53 independents state in Africa re only France backyard.
Afrique Media and Africa24 tv are now bringing up this subjects. With African economist, because they are available. If you take your army in a foreign land to bring peace, please do just that. If you can not secure Bangui in Central African Republic then go home. Is not that the UN or the African UNION will do better. Is just that if you take the lead make sure you deliver. Bozize was not good for you, Djotidia even worse. And where is Ms Catherine Samba Panza coming from?
Now we are in a race against the clock before the disease gets out of Africa.
We can screen the African passengers at the airports. But if you listen to the media today, on TV is like we are safe. People can be OK at the airport and develop the disease after. Treating Ebola patient at home a solution? These guys don’t have hospitals in the first place. I hope we will not see family abandon their loves ones. Because honestly if you lack basic medical care. Who will go cure the patients of Ebola at home? Information and freedom in the mass media.
immigration and ebola against africa
immigration and ebola against Africa
black tv channels
Black TV channels for African and African-american
Ezekiel tv
Ezekiel tv
Nelson Mandela death
Nelson Mandela
What tribute are African tv paying to Madiba? find out more in
Waht is the legacy today from this great leader. The family is fighting for his fortune. the country has forgotten his ideal. with the new president no alternative back. the rainbow nation has lost his targets. the time will tell if it worth the fight.