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TV reviews – Local News

TV reviews and your local News from Africa.

The latest African news live 24/7 on our TV channels. Anywhere, review the latest information on your local town. You are connected to the people you left behind when you travelled abroad.
tv reviews
What news is making headlines in your homeland today. The tv reviews at muntumedia.com will walk you through. All the events are presented and discussed here. No need to expensive call to stay updated. Just watch our African channel and get your own picture. Better to here it than to be told.

The digital era is making it possible today. I watch random news in Africa24 this morning. What is on in Lagos, Nigeria? The latest move in Abidjan? The political events in Nairobi? With only an our on muntumedia.com/televisions you are informed. When you want to relax, give a go to our free tv reviews series. Enjoyable and laughable, look at our own day to day matters. The unique way of telling events by local people on TV. Why should you watch football match in a tv network? The reporter will not even know how to call the names of our footballers. In your local TV feel the adrenaline with your community. Share the same fear and joy when your football team is playing. Then join the TV reviews for those moments, shared with your community. Sport is a very good vehicle for communication. And tv has proven to be one of the best invention of mankind. Ethnic group like African or African-American like to be identified in their contents. But unfortunately these contents are only available in niche like muntumedia.com. We provide with the best effort African TV channels round the clock. With a limited budget getting you tv series and movies free. Online contents is spreading, and many players are in the game today. The TV reviews is part of our mission to inform the diaspora. Friends and relatives have to share our news like they do. Only then we remain connected anywhere to our roots. Africa need us to unite for the best.

Mobile phone and life improvement

Mobile phone improving Africa

Cell phone for life improvement in Africa. Mobile phone is more important than TV? Why the revolution of portable telephone have overtaken television? Thanks to china and the affordable price of the devices today. Any home have more than 3 handsets. Many home are still without TV set. The price tag is the first problem for poor family across Africa. The second most common problem is electricity. Africa is striving for energy and water. Everywhere you go in the continent nearly you need to have a handy lamp. Even Nigeria one of the biggest oil producer in Africa is affected.

Why china is the good Samaritan in Africa? When it comes to business, china made is cheap. With product at affordable price. From motorcycle, to cell phones. Starting from $10 you can have a telephone. You can communicate with friends and mate at anytime and anywhere. This is an invention that suits the chaos of Africa. Land-line telephone are very rare in the major part of Africa. And not available in rural area where the cell phone is very useful. China is supplying affordable devices for all prices range. Motorcycle for example can get you where there are no roads. While the West stand still in useless grudges against China, Africa is trying to make the best of any new “friend”. The product might not be with the high standard quality but still useful. Just like Africa is getting more drugs now from India or Brazil. The medicines are not from Bayer but help fight diseases.

The mobile phone is bringing the revolution Africa have been waiting for. Communication is always said to precede development. Africa or many part of Africa did not catch up with roads. Now communication are available through cell phone everywhere. Internet is not yet common but one fight at a time. The goal of mobile communication seems achievable anywhere in the continent.

Mobile phone

media made in Africa

media made in Africa

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Media made in Africa online to inform Africa. Why Gaddafi was remove, why there is war in Central African Republic or Sudan? Facts or only gossip for native. Afrique media TV broadcast a documentary on why the Libya everlasting leader was removed. According to that film the western world was just trying to stop him from the idea of African Union. Just like EU with its own currency, and institutions. Most of these project are on paper and have funded by Libya. All french speaking country in Africa don’t have currency. They used a kind of workaround with French Central Bank. The problem is if someone else control your finance you have no independence period! You can then come to the conclusion that half of the 53 independents state in Africa re only France backyard.

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Afrique Media and Africa24 tv are now bringing up this subjects. With African economist, because they are available. If you take your army in a foreign land to bring peace, please do just that. If you can not secure Bangui in Central African Republic then go home. Is not that the UN or the African UNION will do better. Is just that if you take the lead make sure you deliver. Bozize was not good for you, Djotidia even worse. And where is Ms Catherine Samba Panza coming from?

Why Africa is not getting the help they need? If the infrastructure precede development, then re-plan your “AID” to the black continent. To make poor African government go to a peace meeting in Paris is just foolish. They spend the little they have in luxury hotel, while hospital lack of aspirin. African media have to say it people should know. The right to decide whether we accept your help or no. Ebola is out there since the 70’s but nobody was concern.

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Now we are in a race against the clock before the disease gets out of Africa.
We can screen the African passengers at the airports. But if you listen to the media today, on TV is like we are safe. People can be OK at the airport and develop the disease after. Treating Ebola patient at home a solution? These guys don’t have hospitals in the first place. I hope we will not see family abandon their loves ones. Because honestly if you lack basic medical care. Who will go cure the patients of Ebola at home? Information and freedom in the mass media.

afrique media television

afrique media television, the african news mix

afrique media television, the african tv news mix. All african local news country by country in english, french or portuguese. watch africa multi television on muntumedia.com everywhere, anytime and on any device

afrique media tv
afrique madia

This african tv channel broadcast news from different parts of africa. From ghana to kenya or from sudan to south africa. you can watch here the local news from your country. The tv channel rebroadcast the news of all africa setting a multi room like africa super tv. If you are from nigeria hang on until you watch the local news from nigerian television authority. the same applies to sudan or congo, cameroon or ivory coast. the tv network is quite new and set to challenge the big ones. Africa24, or africable have been out there for long now but with some limitation. broadcast was only possible for televisions from french speaking countries. afrique media is therefore changing the game by giving the news in all languages available.
africable left europe and is only seen in africa today. leaving africa24 and afmed the face to face in search of viewers. the viewer out of africa has the choice to fill his need for african news. keep connected to africa on your mobie phone or tablet. muntumedia makes the contents available for any device, including roku box. afrique media tv on your roku box in the US, UK and Canada. even in africa today you can watch live news from say tanzania in your iphone. It seems communication i the only thing africa can keep the world pace. content anywhere, anytime like in developed countries. third world country with the latest on communication, mobile phones and entertainment. with afrique media you do not need any specific channel for a country. You have a channel that offers a compilations of many differents tv channels.

afrique media live stream