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african life matters?

african life really matters?

Khashoggi who happens to be non african. He will get all the focus of the international community. The hague with all the judges for african matters. you have to take this case and prosecute. the responsible have to respond. this is not a genocide, its a murder. a murder in cold blood. killing a human like a goat is a genocide. life has the same worth. working for the press or not. politician or citizen, all murder are equal.
The so called international community has friend. saudi arabia is a friend country. therefore arabia can commit any crime. what kind of justice are we promoting? maybe this is just oil justice. business justice and friend. because we judge according to our relation. for friend there is a free justice. therefore as long as we remain friend nothing to fear.

The Khashoggi case

african fault?
The Khashoggi case is showing the politic of friend. I was asked once why there was no african spring. to spark and light democracy in the continent. because without the support of the west. they created a court in holland to judge blacks. we are judge and condemn by the same criminals. if you don’t stop a genocide you are a criminal. therefore you should be in jail in holland. the bad news is that they are not even prosecute. you need a name from the bush. a savage as some call you. you wont have the privilege to go to court.
Different kind of criminal. dictators are those ruling country alone. democracy is the govern of people by the people. democracy in arab is just democracy in haoussa. but in haoussa no matter what you do you are a dictator. in saudi arabia if you order a murder we look the other way. because we can not call a friend murderer.

Biya Paul dernier dinosaure?

biya a l'ere digitale
Biya en train de briguer son dernier mandat?
Le president Paul Biya est pret a reprendre son cameroun. Avec le pays entre les mains depuis plus de 30 ans. le vieux lion veut garder sa taniere. sauf intervention divine ce dinosaure va reussir. né avant l’invention de internet. sans aucune connaissance digitale, il aspire tout de meme a garder son siege.
les autres lions n’ont plus d’excuses. il faut faire partir le vieux. surtout ne pas ceder sa place a un autre vieux. Mugabe parti, Biya peut partir. le probleme c’est le prix a payer pour le deloger. faut-il balayer le palais presidentiel avec tout son contenu? avec astuces et patience pourra t-on vider le contenu? dans la republique des lions tous indomptables. une batalle de titan entre des fauves indomtables. une election ou un combat c’est juste la terminologie.
la course au palais de yaounde a ete eprouvante. apres des longues annees elle ressemble a un ultra marathon. et le president eternel un ironman. avec de la chance il ne se representera pas en 2025. mais alor pourquoi il fais les promesse de 2032? vous avez compris il va quitter le pouvoir. avec 99 un chiffre respectable. c’est la date qu’il s’est marque por vous remettre votre nation. paul tes concitoyens n’ont pas compris. tu vas aller dans toutes les reunions comme doyen. ou tu ne vas pas te presenter. la suisse c’est bien, tout le monde veut y vivre. mais toi tu vis en tant que gouverneur du cameroun. mais quelle cerveau. tous les camerounais sont fier de toi. la seule province de la suisse hors de suisse.
gouverneur de la republique en detresse. que vas tu offrir au anglophones? ils commencent a s’agiter. les complices tes banquiers. ils veulent la magouille en silence. c’est la france afrique tu comprends. le 22 octobre est-ce le jour ou la paix va abandonner le cameroun? Biya a toi de repondre.

Election presidentielle du Cameroun

Election presidentielle camerounaise

L’election presidentielle annoncé pour le 7 octobre 2018, les différents candidats affûtent leurs armes. Les candidats font les yeux doux aux électeurs. Qui va pouvoir après 37 ans de règne sans partage prendre les rênes. Chez les hommes ( animaux ‘superieurs’) comme chez les autres mammifères. La meute a un leader avec son organisation. La meute des lions camerounais cherche son leader, son président. Les candidats déclarés jusqu’à ce jour plus d’une vingtaine.

Les candidats à l’election presidentielle d’octobre:

Paul Biya

Paul Barthélemy Biya’a bi Mvondo, 13 February 1933, candidat du parti au pouvoir le RDPC. Il est au pouvoir depuis 37 ans âgé de 85 . L’un des présidents les plus anciens en poste au monde et le premier en Afrique. Fait à remarquer la modernisation du Cameroun reste un conte de fées. Il passe plus de temps en Suisse qu’avec son troupeau. Les conseils de ministre garant de la bonne gestion de l’état son inexistant. Chacun fait à sa tête jusqu’à ce qu’il soit remercié ou logé à nkondengui.

Adamou Ndam Njoya

Adamou Ndam Njoya, 8 mai 1942, candidat de l’UDC, eternel aspirant 76 ans. A la tête de l’UDC depuis 1991, il devrait peut être passer la main. Dans un match de football on parlerait d’un classique. Ce sera un duel de retraité 85 ans contre 76 ans. Leurs enfants devraient peut être prendre leurs place respective.

Maurice Kamto

Maurice Kamto, 14 fevrier 1954, candidat du MRC 64 ans. President de la commission du droit international des Nations unies, il veut servir son pays. Dans un pays sans loi, gangrené par la corruption dès l’enfance?

Joshua Osih

Joshua Osih, 9 decembre 1968, à 49 ans, candidat du SDF. Les temps ont changé dans le SDF. John Fru Ndi a finallement passé la main. De la même generation que le president français. Il pourra s’il est élu avoir un dialogue courant. Et non ces hommes agés qui continuent a penser que la jeunesse n’a rien à apporter.

Akere Muna

Akere Muna, 18 aout 1952, 66 ans, candidat du mouvement Now!. Avocat de reputation internationale. Membre du conseil anti corruption. Peut être l’ingredient qui manque à la sauce camerounaise. Saura t’il resoudre les maux de ce pays après tant d’annees?

Cabral Libii

Cabral Libii Li Ngue Ngue, 29 mars 1980, 38 ans. avec son mouvement UNIVERS, il compte être celui qui va remettre le pouvoir à la jeunesse. De loin la majorité en nombres…
election presidentielle
election presidentielle

maladie et developpement

maladie et le sous developpement en afriquemaladie et le continent noir

Le continent à l’ère de facebook, tweeter, instagram. cette fois l’afrique n’est pas restée dans son etat de retardataire. l’afrique a pris le train de la technologie en marche et se situe en bnne place. les insfrastructres se font encore attendre. mais aujourd’hui internet est laffaire de tous. whatsapp avec les appel gratuit, facebook, skype. Tous ou presque avec des telephones intelligents ( merci encore a la RPC). Il est alors possible d’avoir un telephone portable qui vaut le salaire quelques mois. peu importe nous sommes a la pointe. pourtant cela a unprix que nous devons payer. Alors il se pose la question suivante. si vous avez une reponse, n’hesiter pas. si tous nous pouvons depenser 5 dollars par mois pour le telephone. serions nous pret a depenser les 5 dollars pour une assurance maladie?

L’afrique est le reservoir de toutes les matières premières. les maladies en font parties puisque utilisé a des fins commerciaux. Toutes les grandes entreprises du monde de telecommunications sont la. Orange, Vodafone, MTN deploient des insfractrustres couteuses. Des investissements a forte rentabilité. pourquoi personne n’investit sur les hopitaux? dans les villes africaines les marchands ambulants avec les “medicaments” sur la tête. les gouvernement se font complice. mais pourquoi? des produits liés a la santé sont delicat. avec parfois des principe actif, des virus en etat de semi activité. quelle est al reaction de ses medicaments sur les patients? les vendeurs marchent librement en vendant un poison mortel. Il n y apas de post mortem sistematique comment saurons nous les causes du decès.

La maladie ebola a fait reagir la communauté internationale. par experience nous savons qu’elle n’est interessée par l’afrique que pour donner des leçons. nous pouvons courrir ver les nouvelles technologies. Le 3G, 4G, 5G… Il nous faut les hopitaux et les medecins. Pour avoir accès a des nouvelles frequences nous voulons en echanges des soins. Une maladie curable ne peux pas trouver une terre d’asile en afrique.
la maladie demande asile en afrique

whatsapp pay a chance for Africa?

whatsapp pay: an open door for african migrants?

money transfer system are taking a huge battle to control the niche. whatsapp pay is just one of them. The growth of the communication platform put whatsapp today as a key player. because of his use user base it can reach nearly everyone. in africa today is the first communication system. africa is not going to lack behind in this. migrant can be reach at any time free (provided you have internet…). in the cities of africa where internet is not longer an issue, the chats are non stop.

africa news and media

learn how you could send money to your family with the app anytime. just like a simple chat buy a coffee to your friend and family, pay light, or phone bills. an opportunity to expand your help or small daily saving in africa. using your best app so far. social media will keep you in touch with your family. social media can also help you give a hand to the needy. social media. much company like western union or ria an many others. offer money transfer with a complicated system. you have to go to the office for the transaction. the receiver have to go to the office or bank to cash. whatspp could go go round this making possible direct cash. saving you time and money, within a secure system. No need to carry your credit card, with your passport or id card. If you have your mobile phone, you have cash with you. you can buy a meal to a friend, or just pay medical care. we know how urgent it can be to send cash in africa. the dad or mum is in hospital and there is no time to waste. with your app you will just send a text with the fund. We hope this will be good …
we support whatsapp for africa

CRTV free television pass

Watch CRTV live uninterrupted during the holiday season. No advert, totally free. Get your free pass at with your email. Only use code Cameroon Radio Television en direct as subject. Share the new year TV programs with your family in Cameroon.

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CRTV television

Photographed in
Mballa 2, Yaounde
Date uploaded:
Sep 25, 2013
National TV logo.

The team wishes you a happy and prosperous year 2016. 2015 have been hard we will try to make next year better. To all our viewers we say thank you. For believing in us all these years. We are grateful to have your comments.

Burkina Faso and the Arab revolutions

Burkina Faso and the Arab revolutions why its works for others?

It was just a coup like many in Africa. The difference here is that burkina stood for democracy to change things. from my point of view it was just childish calculation. If the population got raid of Blaise Compaore after 27 years. what was the new military group expecting? It is enough to hold your population in dark for so long. while we are still waiting for the west to create a universal law. No more everlasting leader, no more president from a coup. what we should learn from Burkina is the population have to be part of every process. There will be casualties, in any struggle it is just like the price you pay.
burkina faso
Other african country should get involve to remove any everlasting president. Zimbabwe, Cameroon, equatorial Guinea etc …
We have up coming elections in many african countries. The Burkina example might be useful. Evolution is the key word to lead Africa out of the dark. From DR Congo to cote d’Ivoire the election are held to renew office. some generation know only one president. Born in Cameroon in 1984 you have only had Paul Biya. The same occur in Zimbabwe, Congo, Guinea and more. This is a long-term process that could finalize in 2020. Africa has the youngest population in the world. The population is still in a rise and we could take advantage for the next generation.
The Arab falls with changes was a dynamic start. The black continent could catch up. The growth in economy should be on the mentality. like a general process moving forward the liberation of Africa as a continent. We have the most dynamic continent. Our constitutions and laws are not a century old. Therefore one can expect them to be updated. But some of our leader for the good or bad reason keep them still. If you can change the laws when it suits you for an election. You can definitely to improve the life of your people. In Burkina Compaore who ruled after a coup was involved in all the peace talk!!! Now you join the population to consider him and his friends as villains !!! This how good is the AU. Going where the wind blows just like tree. If you want to a tree at least be a mighty baobab!!!

suicide attack and boko haram

suicide attack the boko haram deadliest weapon of mass destruction

suicide attack the boko haram war in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. How an army deal with suicide bomber? what should these governement do to stop the attacks?

suicide attack

Nigeria tried to send more troops in the north to stop the attacks. cameroon follow the same movement of troops. But yet we are waiting to see the positive results. is this approach effective dealing with terrorist? boko haram have no real army but people attach to their cause. It is working for them very well. You have nationals armies with armoured cars. The support of intelligency and the police beating up by mere bandits. suicide attack like any other technique have something we can use to stop. I therefore think than the armies of Nigeria, Cameroon and all neighbouring countries. should work hard and come up with the formula. Not with heavy artillery as we’ve seen that does not work.
We can give idea here to say how we can stop suicide bombing in Nigeria or Cameroon. We can seek advice to the US of America and other countries.

refugee the fruit of all conflicts

Refugees vs illegal migrants

refugee the fruit of all conflicts we create around the globe. Why innocent will always pay the price of political or economic mastermind? Syria, Libya, DRC, Nigeria etc… Where ever there is a turmoil expect the movement of population. People will seek refuge in a safe country. Maybe the nearest or a paradise in Babylon.

Refugee are flooding in Europe now like an epidemic. Some move by war other by hardship at home, but always for survival. Men, women and children share the same fate in “illegal” migration. The geography of today was shape by these settlement. People flee some area because of religion and established somewhere else. Others by the vikkings in their quest to conquer. Century have passed now and we have only the history to tell. Blood have been mixed among the new comer and the local. It is now hard to say who was on the spot at the origin. Those we label today as refugee will one day call other seeking refuge migrant.
refugees vs migrants