physical fitness not welcome in Africa

Physical fitness not welcome in Africa

Why African physical fitness should be the corner stone for good health? You posses very good physical aptitude get the fitness for quality healthy life now. In sport African are mostly hire for the strength. they naturally possess physical ability in sports. football, basketball etc… A live football match with an African team is rough. checkout in this online tv channel and you will see. they are like warriors on the battle field defending the nation.

physical fitness

Why is it that the majority is not strong? I mean what I say. As kid we are told that African are naturally stronger. history will not quote me wrong here. then why is the life expectancy so short in Africa? what can break down the physical fitness in African? poor diet comes first in the list. follow by its business counter part, the diseases. those are the main responsible to sabotage health in the black continent.

physical fitness

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