ebola outbreak in west africa
ebola outbreak in west africa, is the world response appropriate? Sending troops in west africa to fight ebola? Good for the headlines anyway for the obamacare. West africa desperately need urgent assistance not a strategic move. People are dying from ebola every day and we want to send troops on the ground? when will the 3,000 troops will be going to africa? Troops are needed to fight boko haram in nigeria, to stop genocide in south sudan. What west africa need to counter the ebola outbreak is medical personnel and medicine. Always give africa all but what they need or stay away. You want the local population see you as a savior while you improve your political exposure. 3,000 troops at 200 bucks per head and day you still spend $600,000 per day!!! more than what the local government can spend on staff a month. Surely help is needed to fight the ebola virus I am not just sure we are doing the right thing at this time.ebola outbreak in west africa
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