Category Archives: free calls

maladie et developpement

maladie et le sous developpement en afriquemaladie et le continent noir

Le continent à l’ère de facebook, tweeter, instagram. cette fois l’afrique n’est pas restée dans son etat de retardataire. l’afrique a pris le train de la technologie en marche et se situe en bnne place. les insfrastructres se font encore attendre. mais aujourd’hui internet est laffaire de tous. whatsapp avec les appel gratuit, facebook, skype. Tous ou presque avec des telephones intelligents ( merci encore a la RPC). Il est alors possible d’avoir un telephone portable qui vaut le salaire quelques mois. peu importe nous sommes a la pointe. pourtant cela a unprix que nous devons payer. Alors il se pose la question suivante. si vous avez une reponse, n’hesiter pas. si tous nous pouvons depenser 5 dollars par mois pour le telephone. serions nous pret a depenser les 5 dollars pour une assurance maladie?

L’afrique est le reservoir de toutes les matières premières. les maladies en font parties puisque utilisé a des fins commerciaux. Toutes les grandes entreprises du monde de telecommunications sont la. Orange, Vodafone, MTN deploient des insfractrustres couteuses. Des investissements a forte rentabilité. pourquoi personne n’investit sur les hopitaux? dans les villes africaines les marchands ambulants avec les “medicaments” sur la tête. les gouvernement se font complice. mais pourquoi? des produits liés a la santé sont delicat. avec parfois des principe actif, des virus en etat de semi activité. quelle est al reaction de ses medicaments sur les patients? les vendeurs marchent librement en vendant un poison mortel. Il n y apas de post mortem sistematique comment saurons nous les causes du decès.

La maladie ebola a fait reagir la communauté internationale. par experience nous savons qu’elle n’est interessée par l’afrique que pour donner des leçons. nous pouvons courrir ver les nouvelles technologies. Le 3G, 4G, 5G… Il nous faut les hopitaux et les medecins. Pour avoir accès a des nouvelles frequences nous voulons en echanges des soins. Une maladie curable ne peux pas trouver une terre d’asile en afrique.
la maladie demande asile en afrique

culture vs change

culture or the choice to remain in the dark

Culture is what guide the African culture. The question today is are we to hold to our culture, the way our fore father have about life. their believe, gods, traditions or should we shake the script and write our own. This is a dilemma for all Africans per our respect to the elderly is the mecca. We owe the respect to the old, the cultural aspect of it. Culture is more about clinging to the past. Its more about knowing what it was like in the pass and the way we’ve gone. Many will argue we should keep our culture. And I say lets stay in the nature, in the wild forest. Raining on us when we can live in modern houses. You can not take the modern houses then setup a huge fire to make your dishes. May be a fire place in cold area to warm the house.
culture and Africa
The modern African culture is about the change that produce in the population. The growing interest to improve our life condition. The compromise to pass to the next generation our history. The commitment of never refusing who we where. know where you come from to plan where is your destination.
Africa today should face this as a meta. The youth have to bear that thirst of change keeping the fathers memories. Technology is our ally today, use it to be more and get more. It is gone the time when we have to wait for everything to happen. today we can use the knowledge to predict thus to be prepare for the upcoming. No matter what the future have for the black continent, the children of Africa are ready for it. Giving has always been the African drive, its time we give to the world our vision. How we live and die is part of our personality. the way we approach these theme is a mark of our being. We don’t need to copy orders just to learn from them. As the child learn from the father to be a better human being.

refugee the fruit of all conflicts

Refugees vs illegal migrants

refugee the fruit of all conflicts we create around the globe. Why innocent will always pay the price of political or economic mastermind? Syria, Libya, DRC, Nigeria etc… Where ever there is a turmoil expect the movement of population. People will seek refuge in a safe country. Maybe the nearest or a paradise in Babylon.

Refugee are flooding in Europe now like an epidemic. Some move by war other by hardship at home, but always for survival. Men, women and children share the same fate in “illegal” migration. The geography of today was shape by these settlement. People flee some area because of religion and established somewhere else. Others by the vikkings in their quest to conquer. Century have passed now and we have only the history to tell. Blood have been mixed among the new comer and the local. It is now hard to say who was on the spot at the origin. Those we label today as refugee will one day call other seeking refuge migrant.
refugees vs migrants

Africa and slavery in the 21st century

Slavery and Africa’s demons

Africa is still struggling with its demon. With no sign of victory at sight. Mauritania is still practicing slavery today. Holding human being without any right. What is sad is in a continent with majority of black. You have a meaningless country like Mauritania practicing slavery in Africa.

It’s happens in other places certainly but not institutionalised. I think all African nation should stand against these inhuman practice. And cut off any relation with Mauritania jus like they did with apartheid. The race cannot be a factor of supremacy   Anywhere. The African Union, the united nation and all the human rights groups should take action.

Not only in Mauritania but also in Sudan , Nigeria, Cameroon, democratic Republic of Congo …
conflict vesrus slavery

tv links

TV links channels & TV shows

tv links

New tv channels and new TV shows are being packaged. All our feature African tv channels will be on roku shortly. Don’t miss the new Afro tv era.

Follow the latest event in #Africa. watch african television online anywhere, anytime.. Take part to the on going dialogue in your #homeland. With our tv links you keep your african roots watered every day. Be part of your friend and family daily life.  Here at

Muntu TV Links

More television at muntu network from your homeland. Contact the support team to get your favorite channel. Streaming is how we provide you with our content. No need for satellite dish for internet TV. With your high speed internet watch Africa wherever you are. Make comment to friends and relatives. Start discussion in your social circle. Share your home town news. Talk about how to fight poverty or education in the continent. Tell your friend the biggest fraud going on your area. You are in Africa? Are you watching TV right now? tweet muntumedia TV link to your friend abroad. Share the experience and open discussion in the social media. Africa is has less natural disaster like earthquake. This would be a blessing elsewhere. Africa ignore this privilege and create civil wars. What news media have to say about this? No one is responsible but the local population.

TV links

Watch African television to unfold this lie. Africa is not held hostage or poor by others but Africans. Our TV shows portray this situation of abundance while we seek aid. TV news is as corrupt as the system. African union? Please don’t be funny. All TV channel just serve government propaganda. Triple play is late in the continent for lack of communications. Communications are the vessel for development they say. Energy is the corner stone for any solid economy. TV links here just provide you with with a window. Look through it if you like. Our mission is communications links at Muntu Africa

business phone number

Muntumedia phone number

To give you the sound professional service you deserve, we don’t answer phone calls. Our staff is little and we strive to give our content all the attention. Please drop us an email and we will get back to you shortly. We value all our clients and answer all emails. Providing an unattended phone number is unprofessional. This is a reason why we do not provide this info to our webpages. An email serve best the purpose of inquiry and support.

Please refer your inquiry to To report an issue or for technical question
Update info is available to our Facebook page. Share your experience in our fan page and get a speedy reply. We plan to make a customer service free phone number in the future. Until then we have to keep our prices low to our clients. We understand it can be frustrating not being able to speak out. The good news is, muntumedia staff answer all emails. If you really need to talk to us please leave your phone number and we will be happy to call back. At your very convenient time, in french or English.
Many questions have been answered in our fan page. You can find your answer in the knowledge base from former posts. You help us this way to concentrate in delivering good TV stream.
TV shows, African shows
The TV series section will be available soon. Another level for your Africa entertainment online. The African TV series will also be on Roku. Subscribe today and don’t miss the upcoming African Cup. African Football will be at it best in Guinea. All African soccer stars for the football mecca. Watch uncut TV for a month for only $7,95 approx. 4.300CFA. Share the joy with your family back and friends. Who will be the winner of the African Cup 2015?

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