Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer
How to fix Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer? There are many different ways to get the fix. In my experience it was very hardworking. With some common sense and work around. I finally save the day.
Facts I have my windows server 2016 essentials on HP proliant server. I have 2 harddrives in raid 0.
One morning I found the server with the black screen…. Message… we found error in one of your harddrive and to prevent damage your array have been disabled.

When you get this message you fix or replace the faulty harddrive. You enable the array again and make use of your backup.
In my case I had the system set to make backup every day on our network drive. To me this will only cost the drive change I thought. Well I realise now how naive I am. How can anyone trust windows backup bare metal system if not … Just say naive.
To cut my story short, I tried all by the book…
1- Boot system from CD (windows server)
2- choose language
3- choose repair windows
4- choose troubleshooting
5- restore from backup image
Now the fun begins… If you have the harddrive attached to your system or connected by usb or like in my case in network. If you’re disk attached windows find the backup… Hoorah you are out of trouble. If not you will have to go to advanced and write the URL of your network drive…. Find backup and hoorah!!!
In my case it didn’t work. I even copy the WindowsImageBackup to root directory of USB drive. No backup image was found!!!! I could mount the image drive on my laptop!!!!
After all the wasted time and my boss on my neck… I made a new install đ đ once system installed, I used windows virtual image. Mounted the backup and copy the files I needed to the new server. Just now I could convince my boss for a professional backup software.