Mobile phone improving Africa
Cell phone for life improvement in Africa. Mobile phone is more important than TV? Why the revolution of portable telephone have overtaken television? Thanks to china and the affordable price of the devices today. Any home have more than 3 handsets. Many home are still without TV set. The price tag is the first problem for poor family across Africa. The second most common problem is electricity. Africa is striving for energy and water. Everywhere you go in the continent nearly you need to have a handy lamp. Even Nigeria one of the biggest oil producer in Africa is affected.
Why china is the good Samaritan in Africa? When it comes to business, china made is cheap. With product at affordable price. From motorcycle, to cell phones. Starting from $10 you can have a telephone. You can communicate with friends and mate at anytime and anywhere. This is an invention that suits the chaos of Africa. Land-line telephone are very rare in the major part of Africa. And not available in rural area where the cell phone is very useful. China is supplying affordable devices for all prices range. Motorcycle for example can get you where there are no roads. While the West stand still in useless grudges against China, Africa is trying to make the best of any new “friend”. The product might not be with the high standard quality but still useful. Just like Africa is getting more drugs now from India or Brazil. The medicines are not from Bayer but help fight diseases.
The mobile phone is bringing the revolution Africa have been waiting for. Communication is always said to precede development. Africa or many part of Africa did not catch up with roads. Now communication are available through cell phone everywhere. Internet is not yet common but one fight at a time. The goal of mobile communication seems achievable anywhere in the continent.