Tag Archives: cote divoire

Corruption un fléau ?

Corruption un fléau, une épidémie ou simplement une mal curable.

l’Afrique à l’impasse de corruption mondiale. Sans être le créateur ou même le plus corrompu. Le continent africain souffre de ce malaise. les détournements et le favoritisme. L’égoïsme de la population, le manque de patriotisme. Supporters de football et patriotes sont bien différents.un vue sur le continent

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women’s world cup 2015

women’s world cup

The world cup tournament in Canada will not be the best for Africa. after what will be remembered as a short trip. with the best performance for the Cameroon team. It is to early to look for the reasons of this low performance. Women’s soccer is not popular in Africa, and elsewhere. In Cameroon there is no league for women football. some organised event here and there as entertainment. Most men attend this venue just to eye the opposite sex. Is just like a window where they can spy girls. The women’s world cup was just this kind of event. With the major European league on holiday. You will expect women football to have all the football fans attention. The only country interested in the tournament are those playing. You will need cable TV to watch the games.

women's world cup

copa america 2015

with the copa the america going on what do you expect? world first class star are playing this event. mega stars like messi, neymar and others. playing women’s world cup at the same time does not help. the time matches are played is lake for Europe and Africa. mostly late night matches and you need to give viewers a sound reason to stay awake. Not just beautiful women running after the ball. when your country is part of the football team taking part you go for your flag. there is still a long way to go to make women football appealing. The girls representing Africa did great. we can only put our thumbs up. for a continent without a real football league. African football team are able to play against the big ones. when it comes to women sport you get to make more efforts. Against you culture, your family and your physical condition. For all those who spend sleepless night to support the girls thank you. the women’s world cup like the men world cup are to to built fraternal links in the world ecosystem.

Roku channel – Muntumedia TV

Roku channel – Muntumedia TV

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