so long, so quiet. darkness is here.
Muntumedia is getting quiet and lonely. The african experiment suppose to connect. the community multimedia is getting to the turmoil. today with no futur …
so long, so quiet. darkness is here.
Muntumedia is getting quiet and lonely. The african experiment suppose to connect. the community multimedia is getting to the turmoil. today with no futur …
Can social media have influence in your country? The Arab spring drove out many leaders. leaders who could not be removed by the normal way of politics. Street gathering called by some normal people got what was impossible. Some African leader have been in office since your birth. How can you use the social media to call them out. Can your voice be heard in your country? Senegal to name one is a reference. Why are the other African population so quiet. Who will shake the cement on what the whole corruption system spread?
By the divine power some will remain in office for lifetime. when gone they will hand over to their sibling. The democracy is corrupt and turn to monarchy. In Gabon, Bongo succeeded to Bongo. A family affair since the independence. In Togo we had similar situation. Who is next? Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe? Son don’t you worry when I am gone the office is yours. We need to act now for change. After more than 40 years every citizen should have a chance. Nobody become a president by a divine mission. Why should we look a these old men as prophet?
Alternative governing should be restore. Obama, Cameron, Macron, … leaders of great nations. Are our leaders grandson!!!! If Africa hold the record of birth, also should of youth. The rulers need to be among the large group. Youth is not just a working power. Is the current generation who needs to take over. Grand dad is better of at home. Not travelling moths and over in London. The best doctors are in the west and Asia because of lack of infrastructure. Only in Africa the president in office will put his life in the hand of a stranger.
By giving the west your medical care. You give the others the command in your country. Spending half year abroad how can you rule?
Watch CRTV live uninterrupted during the holiday season. No advert, totally free. Get your free pass at with your email. Only use code Cameroon Radio Television en direct as subject. Share the new year TV programs with your family in Cameroon.
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Date uploaded:
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The team wishes you a happy and prosperous year 2016. 2015 have been hard we will try to make next year better. To all our viewers we say thank you. For believing in us all these years. We are grateful to have your comments.
The world cup tournament in Canada will not be the best for Africa. after what will be remembered as a short trip. with the best performance for the Cameroon team. It is to early to look for the reasons of this low performance. Women’s soccer is not popular in Africa, and elsewhere. In Cameroon there is no league for women football. some organised event here and there as entertainment. Most men attend this venue just to eye the opposite sex. Is just like a window where they can spy girls. The women’s world cup was just this kind of event. With the major European league on holiday. You will expect women football to have all the football fans attention. The only country interested in the tournament are those playing. You will need cable TV to watch the games.
with the copa the america going on what do you expect? world first class star are playing this event. mega stars like messi, neymar and others. playing women’s world cup at the same time does not help. the time matches are played is lake for Europe and Africa. mostly late night matches and you need to give viewers a sound reason to stay awake. Not just beautiful women running after the ball. when your country is part of the football team taking part you go for your flag. there is still a long way to go to make women football appealing. The girls representing Africa did great. we can only put our thumbs up. for a continent without a real football league. African football team are able to play against the big ones. when it comes to women sport you get to make more efforts. Against you culture, your family and your physical condition. For all those who spend sleepless night to support the girls thank you. the women’s world cup like the men world cup are to to built fraternal links in the world ecosystem.
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Unveil the latest Nigerian politic with the last election. Watch the sworn in live of new Nigeria president. Or the war on Boko haram with Cameroon, Niger and Chad combine. Watch Sierra Leone SLBC for the update on ebola virus. The horror in last Kenya terrorist attack on Christians. Western channel can only give you a brief as African news is not a priority. You might think that African safari will have more impact. The fact is safari is about wild life and have more interest in the west. Just like ebola virus is still making casualties and well if its remains in Africa. There is no direct threat to people in the west. Muntuplus private African channel on roku open the window to the black continent. Africa and African-American can follow the events from Africa anywhere. The news cast by local population in English french and African languages. Yes that is right Africa have many languages. Many public TV station broadcast in local languages. Not invented for any TV series, but spoken since ages. Just spend time at and find out- free TV online and black roku channel.
The soccer tournament 2015 in Guinea is the picture of Africa when it comes to sports. Ebola virus can’t stop the African Nation Cup from born athletes. The show must go on no matter what. Morocco tried to get the event suspended. Thanks to the African hospitality, the tournament was a success. Ivory coast raised the trophy of the African football on Sunday. You can see the joy of the people, 24 years later. Soccer can bring a lot of joy specially in the needed Africa. Remembered for its Ebola and other deadly virus, and today for football. Guinea made it possible.
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The TV series section will be available soon. Another level for your Africa entertainment online. The African TV series will also be on Roku. Subscribe today and don’t miss the upcoming African Cup. African Football will be at it best in Guinea. All African soccer stars for the football mecca. Watch uncut TV for a month for only $7,95 approx. 4.300CFA. Share the joy with your family back and friends. Who will be the winner of the African Cup 2015?
Live TV with African news 24 hours. Do you know what happen to your country today? Do you want to watch African football live? is your Afro TV hub.
Have you ever think of how people live in Africa. The day to day life of normal people. How we perceive the world in the black continent. Why there is a little to no surprise of Morocco failure for African Cup. Live African TV show in details why Africa is so different. Watch local news and join people to daily survival, like daily enjoyment. In the continent you have to classes of people. The rich in one hand with the latest gadgets. The poor in the other always recognize from the gloomy faces. Unlike western TV, African TV shows both side. You get the understanding why some are so poor.
Live TV allow us to follow first hand the Burkina Faso political crisis. Ordinary people in the streets seeking change. We can also see the daily struggle of ebola patients in hospitals. We gain the understanding why some will either die trying. Or succeed to migrate in a better place. Survival instinct in action, fueling immigration and homophobia. Some African countries can afford to have an international TV channel. Such channel with propaganda for internationals viewers is good. Other African countries have to rely on the booming media streaming. African online TV just jump from existent to countless website. All providing live TV from different region of Africa. Many African channels are present today in Roku through the US and Canada. Some provider like go further. Providing African TV in mobile phones and nearly all connected devices. The new era revolution is live and global. African content has never been so accessible everywhere, and in many languages through different background and culture.
Media made in Africa online to inform Africa. Why Gaddafi was remove, why there is war in Central African Republic or Sudan? Facts or only gossip for native. Afrique media TV broadcast a documentary on why the Libya everlasting leader was removed. According to that film the western world was just trying to stop him from the idea of African Union. Just like EU with its own currency, and institutions. Most of these project are on paper and have funded by Libya. All french speaking country in Africa don’t have currency. They used a kind of workaround with French Central Bank. The problem is if someone else control your finance you have no independence period! You can then come to the conclusion that half of the 53 independents state in Africa re only France backyard.
Afrique Media and Africa24 tv are now bringing up this subjects. With African economist, because they are available. If you take your army in a foreign land to bring peace, please do just that. If you can not secure Bangui in Central African Republic then go home. Is not that the UN or the African UNION will do better. Is just that if you take the lead make sure you deliver. Bozize was not good for you, Djotidia even worse. And where is Ms Catherine Samba Panza coming from?
Why Africa is not getting the help they need? If the infrastructure precede development, then re-plan your “AID” to the black continent. To make poor African government go to a peace meeting in Paris is just foolish. They spend the little they have in luxury hotel, while hospital lack of aspirin. African media have to say it people should know. The right to decide whether we accept your help or no. Ebola is out there since the 70’s but nobody was concern.
Now we are in a race against the clock before the disease gets out of Africa.
We can screen the African passengers at the airports. But if you listen to the media today, on TV is like we are safe. People can be OK at the airport and develop the disease after. Treating Ebola patient at home a solution? These guys don’t have hospitals in the first place. I hope we will not see family abandon their loves ones. Because honestly if you lack basic medical care. Who will go cure the patients of Ebola at home? Information and freedom in the mass media.