China Africa forum Vs African union summit
China Africa forum to overtake the African summit?
The China African forum is overtaking the African continent summit. All the African leaders are present in Pékin for the event. Why are these leaders attending a forum in China? Is Pékin part of Addis Ababa? Are these 2 cities close? This is the African continent we are trying to leave to the next generation? A continent sold out to China? Before we talk about the win win economic development. Let’s talk about the exchange between African countries. Why to sell in China what could be sold to Nigeria? By from China when we could from south Africa? From Kenya or Tanzania? We should demand the leader who can not attend African summit. Please step down now!!! If any African country don’t worth your visit. You just leave Africa.
President present in China now that didn’t attend African summit, leave
And yet you are running a new campaign to be elected. How dare you insult Africa? If you are a billionaire you can visit and be friend to whom you like. You are a president you should represent your people. Migrants enslaved in Libya because you can not visit. But you go to China for aid? What for? Do plan to help your population? Why are they running away?
Election presidentielle du Cameroun
Election presidentielle camerounaise
L’election presidentielle annoncé pour le 7 octobre 2018, les différents candidats affûtent leurs armes. Les candidats font les yeux doux aux électeurs. Qui va pouvoir après 37 ans de règne sans partage prendre les rênes. Chez les hommes ( animaux ‘superieurs’) comme chez les autres mammifères. La meute a un leader avec son organisation. La meute des lions camerounais cherche son leader, son président. Les candidats déclarés jusqu’à ce jour plus d’une vingtaine.
Les candidats à l’election presidentielle d’octobre:
Paul Biya
Paul Barthélemy Biya’a bi Mvondo, 13 February 1933, candidat du parti au pouvoir le RDPC. Il est au pouvoir depuis 37 ans âgé de 85 . L’un des présidents les plus anciens en poste au monde et le premier en Afrique. Fait à remarquer la modernisation du Cameroun reste un conte de fées. Il passe plus de temps en Suisse qu’avec son troupeau. Les conseils de ministre garant de la bonne gestion de l’état son inexistant. Chacun fait à sa tête jusqu’à ce qu’il soit remercié ou logé à nkondengui.
Adamou Ndam Njoya
Adamou Ndam Njoya, 8 mai 1942, candidat de l’UDC, eternel aspirant 76 ans. A la tête de l’UDC depuis 1991, il devrait peut être passer la main. Dans un match de football on parlerait d’un classique. Ce sera un duel de retraité 85 ans contre 76 ans. Leurs enfants devraient peut être prendre leurs place respective.
Maurice Kamto
Maurice Kamto, 14 fevrier 1954, candidat du MRC 64 ans. President de la commission du droit international des Nations unies, il veut servir son pays. Dans un pays sans loi, gangrené par la corruption dès l’enfance?
Joshua Osih
Joshua Osih, 9 decembre 1968, à 49 ans, candidat du SDF. Les temps ont changé dans le SDF. John Fru Ndi a finallement passé la main. De la même generation que le president français. Il pourra s’il est élu avoir un dialogue courant. Et non ces hommes agés qui continuent a penser que la jeunesse n’a rien à apporter.
Akere Muna
Akere Muna, 18 aout 1952, 66 ans, candidat du mouvement Now!. Avocat de reputation internationale. Membre du conseil anti corruption. Peut être l’ingredient qui manque à la sauce camerounaise. Saura t’il resoudre les maux de ce pays après tant d’annees?
Cabral Libii
Cabral Libii Li Ngue Ngue, 29 mars 1980, 38 ans. avec son mouvement UNIVERS, il compte être celui qui va remettre le pouvoir à la jeunesse. De loin la majorité en nombres…
election presidentielle
maladie et developpement
maladie et le sous developpement en afrique
Le continent à l’ère de facebook, tweeter, instagram. cette fois l’afrique n’est pas restée dans son etat de retardataire. l’afrique a pris le train de la technologie en marche et se situe en bnne place. les insfrastructres se font encore attendre. mais aujourd’hui internet est laffaire de tous. whatsapp avec les appel gratuit, facebook, skype. Tous ou presque avec des telephones intelligents ( merci encore a la RPC). Il est alors possible d’avoir un telephone portable qui vaut le salaire quelques mois. peu importe nous sommes a la pointe. pourtant cela a unprix que nous devons payer. Alors il se pose la question suivante. si vous avez une reponse, n’hesiter pas. si tous nous pouvons depenser 5 dollars par mois pour le telephone. serions nous pret a depenser les 5 dollars pour une assurance maladie?
L’afrique est le reservoir de toutes les matières premières. les maladies en font parties puisque utilisé a des fins commerciaux. Toutes les grandes entreprises du monde de telecommunications sont la. Orange, Vodafone, MTN deploient des insfractrustres couteuses. Des investissements a forte rentabilité. pourquoi personne n’investit sur les hopitaux? dans les villes africaines les marchands ambulants avec les “medicaments” sur la tête. les gouvernement se font complice. mais pourquoi? des produits liés a la santé sont delicat. avec parfois des principe actif, des virus en etat de semi activité. quelle est al reaction de ses medicaments sur les patients? les vendeurs marchent librement en vendant un poison mortel. Il n y apas de post mortem sistematique comment saurons nous les causes du decès.
La maladie ebola a fait reagir la communauté internationale. par experience nous savons qu’elle n’est interessée par l’afrique que pour donner des leçons. nous pouvons courrir ver les nouvelles technologies. Le 3G, 4G, 5G… Il nous faut les hopitaux et les medecins. Pour avoir accès a des nouvelles frequences nous voulons en echanges des soins. Une maladie curable ne peux pas trouver une terre d’asile en afrique.
la maladie demande asile en afrique
Corruption un fléau ?
Corruption un fléau, une épidémie ou simplement une mal curable.
l’Afrique à l’impasse de corruption mondiale. Sans être le créateur ou même le plus corrompu. Le continent africain souffre de ce malaise. les détournements et le favoritisme. L’égoïsme de la population, le manque de patriotisme. Supporters de football et patriotes sont bien différents.un vue sur le continent
2, 3, 5 what these numbers tells us?
2, 3, 5 what these nunbers tells us?
June 2018 egypt, morocco, nigeria, senegal and tunisia to represent africa to the world cup tournament. millions of africans deposit hope on these squad to take africa to the top. years ago africa was represented only with two countries. a shame we cry!!!! this time with five all out in the first round!!! why? a friend told me this was a matter of luck. actually I can’t tell, the fact is the african participation went merely unnoticed. yes I know germany went home also early. Germany was the last wold cup winner…
football is the number one sport in africa and we need to claim that throne. the crown belong to us either we go for it now or we stop participating. The africa top 5 squads have to do better. egypt, morocco, nigeria, senegal and tunisia you were all able to top your group in afrcan competition. well done for that. as per world cup russia 2018, you went below avrage to be fair. No blame no hard talk, you did your best. just saying next time we want africa to be represented in the world cup tournament with 10 football teams. we have to think it twice. it is better to have a solid african team to claim the world cup than having plenty for disillusion.
more and more players from different african origin, will perform well. Germany, Italy, Austria…. african are everywhere. you are wright, no need to mention england, belgium or france. normal in africa we still defend those as part of the colonial empire. this is a footbal empire and let african player play for different country in africa. camerounian playing with france, yes of course. but why senegalese never play for nigeria? the african revolution is taking place let be part of it.
whatsapp pay a chance for Africa?
whatsapp pay: an open door for african migrants?
money transfer system are taking a huge battle to control the niche. whatsapp pay is just one of them. The growth of the communication platform put whatsapp today as a key player. because of his use user base it can reach nearly everyone. in africa today is the first communication system. africa is not going to lack behind in this. migrant can be reach at any time free (provided you have internet…). in the cities of africa where internet is not longer an issue, the chats are non stop.
learn how you could send money to your family with the app anytime. just like a simple chat buy a coffee to your friend and family, pay light, or phone bills. an opportunity to expand your help or small daily saving in africa. using your best app so far. social media will keep you in touch with your family. social media can also help you give a hand to the needy. social media. much company like western union or ria an many others. offer money transfer with a complicated system. you have to go to the office for the transaction. the receiver have to go to the office or bank to cash. whatspp could go go round this making possible direct cash. saving you time and money, within a secure system. No need to carry your credit card, with your passport or id card. If you have your mobile phone, you have cash with you. you can buy a meal to a friend, or just pay medical care. we know how urgent it can be to send cash in africa. the dad or mum is in hospital and there is no time to waste. with your app you will just send a text with the fund. We hope this will be good …

What african country is more active in social media?
What african country is more active in social media?
Can social media have influence in your country? The Arab spring drove out many leaders. leaders who could not be removed by the normal way of politics. Street gathering called by some normal people got what was impossible. Some African leader have been in office since your birth. How can you use the social media to call them out. Can your voice be heard in your country? Senegal to name one is a reference. Why are the other African population so quiet. Who will shake the cement on what the whole corruption system spread?
By the divine power some will remain in office for lifetime. when gone they will hand over to their sibling. The democracy is corrupt and turn to monarchy. In Gabon, Bongo succeeded to Bongo. A family affair since the independence. In Togo we had similar situation. Who is next? Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe? Son don’t you worry when I am gone the office is yours. We need to act now for change. After more than 40 years every citizen should have a chance. Nobody become a president by a divine mission. Why should we look a these old men as prophet?
Alternative governing should be restore. Obama, Cameron, Macron, … leaders of great nations. Are our leaders grandson!!!! If Africa hold the record of birth, also should of youth. The rulers need to be among the large group. Youth is not just a working power. Is the current generation who needs to take over. Grand dad is better of at home. Not travelling moths and over in London. The best doctors are in the west and Asia because of lack of infrastructure. Only in Africa the president in office will put his life in the hand of a stranger.
By giving the west your medical care. You give the others the command in your country. Spending half year abroad how can you rule?

who will qualify for football world cup?
African football qualification is on for 2018 world cup. All the african warriors are ready for the coming battle. The top squad like Cameroon, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Senegal etc…. on the schedule what will be the results Nigeria vs Cameroon? Ghana vs Congo? Morocco vs Mali? Gabon vs Cote d’Ivoire? and more. Live CRTV online to watch the game.
All provided support to your country is welcome. Be watch the goals and follow your team on tv and social media. Africa stars are top in european football leagues today. You have the show guaranty by the best performance.

Lake Nyos disaster 1986
The Lake Nyos disater, on 21th august 1986.
Thirty one years ago, the most deadly natural mass killing in Cameroon. Suddenly all living things were asphyxiated. Some thing that just happened earlier in Lake Manoun. Was nature using the first as a test? Just to paint the master piece in august 1986? Today, nobody can give the answer to that question. Would it happen again? In a first place what really happened on the 21th august 1986 in the lake Nui from t real name? Nyos is just the name of the village which happens to be close.
Situated on top of a dead volcano, this particular place is among the most strange on earth. Some scientist saying it will happen again the big question here is when? with the lake getting at its highest level of water. One can predict at least a flood the coming days, weeks, months or years. In cameroon like the neighboring Nigeria the population is on waiting lake_nyos
Why should the U.N. and the world be concern about the treat? because there is a similar lake in the democratic republic of congo. There are millions of people live near the lake. A similar eruption to lake nyos would be catastrophic.
In 1986 we had 1700+ dead.
In congo 30km from the lake you have around 500,000+.
This is why the lake Nyos threat remain. and all similar lakes need to be at watch. we can prevent the natural disater. we can be prepare for what comes next. after the irreparable have occur, first aid. Remember it happens to lake Manoun as a test. nobody took the threat seriously. In lake nyos we where like how come and who did it? For the sake of people living nearby, animals, and all breathing live. Nature can not be stop, It can be monitor as to have a plan. The plan is your life insurance. CRTV