All posts by meh12ne

congo tv actualités

Congo television en directe

L’actualité congolaise en continu avec plusieurs chaines TV du congo. La musique congolaise, les dernieres infos du la RDC et du Congo Brazaville, en direct. Le second pays Africain en superficie, la rdc se doit d’etre en tête. La television congolaise offre beaucoup de divertissements. Chaque chaine a plusieurs jounaux télévisés par jour. Restez brancher sur muntumedia pour voir vos programmes télés n’importe ou sur la planète. Notre comppromis c’est d’offrir des télés congolaises de qualité. Regardez la télé congolaises et les actualités congolaises sur notre site. Vous pouvez visioner sur votre ordinateur ou votre iphone. La télévision congolaise sur votre Iphone. Certain preferrent regarder la Télévision congolaise sur Roku. Disponible à longueur de journée vos programmes télés favoris. Les matchs de football de la RDC en directe. Les rencontres religieuse et les meeting du congo. La prochaine campagne électorale congolaise ainsi que les candidats en lisse. Suivez les dernieres infos du de la region chaude du nord Kivu. Et que dire de suivre votre journal en linguala? Les nouvelles tendances à la mode au Congo. Les derniers albums sur le marché musical. Les chaines de télevisions congolaises sont votre lieu de rencontre avec le pays. Nous travaillons actuellement sur un bouquet avec toutes les chaines télés de la DRC. Restez connecter pour voir comment Kinshasa ou Lumbubashi pour ne citer que ces deux villes bougent. Si la musique est votre passion vous êtes sur le site idéal. Il y a une très belle ambiance à longueur de la journée. Les artistes se succèdent pour vous divertir. L’industrie du divertissement connait aujourd’hui un boum dans ce pays pour le bonheur de la population. Faites nous parvenir vos commentaires sur les ameliorations à faire sur nos retransmission. Muntumedia veut être à la hauteur dans l’ndustrie congolaise du divertissement.

congo tv

Free videos online Africa

Free video online

Today free online video is a good and straight forward way to watch movies. You can watch at the comfort of your home and no need to go the theater. The simple requirements are a high speed internet connection (DSL) and your PC. Free online video are also view-able directly to your TV with internet connection. All the places offerings free online videos are not legal. You have today more and more web sites with legal contents. It is also safe to use the legal stuff for the safety of your computer or TV. Some site might harm your computer and the repair will cost you more than the film in a theater.
The leaders in industry offer full films mostly with commercials in between. You can easily find all genres of videos free. Drama, horror, comedy, action and many more. You can find that special video you love and love to watch again. No need of blockbuster affiliation, in the comfort of your living room. You have no time limit to watch the video. Just switch on your computer or connected TV and watch the free video online. Many platform offer this service to mobile devices, roku, xbox, playstation.
With the death of DVD rental business, a new window is open. Now many companies offer free video on demand (VOD). The main difference usually is the commercials interruptions in the free films online platform. It is up to the user the level of commercials you are able to take. Do you want to pay $7.99 or you prefer free video with commercials? The choice is yours. Many free movies online are in SD. To watch a video in HD a fee may apply. high-quality movies look spectacular in your big screen and worth paying the price. You can watch the same videos with friend or even share the movie. Subscribe now and watch your free movie at

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Video news Africa

Video news from Africa

What is video news? definition.
what purpose of video news? objectives?
The perspective of video news in the near future.

TV on offer you the news on video. Better than read on news paper you can watch and listen to comment. The news are broadcast by African for local people. There is no misinterpretation due to foreign understanding of Africa. Here at muntumedia we make this possible by streaming the same news in real time. The delay in the sync with the normal TV is just to offer our viewers the best possible experience.
The African news on video is a new form to inform. Where ever you are you can listen to your favourite African news. Afrique Media is a hub for all African daily news. From Dakar Senegal to Nairobi Kenya you listen to African news. From Sudan to south Africa, Zimbabwe, the news is always the most recent.
At muntumedia we are biding now with many video production company. Soon you will be able to have the latest movies produce in the continent. Successful series like La Famille or Tinsel will make the difference. Other companies offer African video online our unique point of advantage. We offer only the most popular African movies. You can watch African television Online free in our web site. No subscription required to view any channel of your choice. With subscription you improve your experience with more devices. Try our service today and share the news with your family. Watch our African TV channels on roku, where you can find the latest news. We are working on the new version for Xbox and Playstation. We like to deliver our movies and TV on any device. Find out about your mobile phone or tablet. Stay tune!

Video news from Africa

Dance TV Africa

Dance TV Africa

Africa TV reserve a vary important part to music. You have African music on TV all day long. In Africa we love music and its part of our daily lives. Women like to sing to their babies. They sing doing home task. working in the farm. Its not surprising the rhythm you grow with. By instinct you move to correspond the beat. To dance is just that movement. You express your feeling with movement.
Many people think all African like to dance. They say hey come on shake it a little. For those who are shy it is not so easy although we have the rhythm in us. The African choreography is learn in early childhood. Later as a teenager you master what you already knew. It is an external demonstration of happiness. Dancing in group is more fun. You forget about the daily drama having fun. The dance is also a good therapy to master our body. Slow movement, fast movement. Its not physical exercise like jumping. But you can jump with the music beat.
In the African culture music is the basic for of interaction. With the other people and the gods. We use the music to communicate. Some find african dance sensual or sexually charged. African dancing pattern are just interpretative. It is a non verbal communication between people. Other species have different for of non verbal communication. All our ceremony begin and end with dancing. In our ritual we do the same. African culture call the gods with heavy music. I once went to this ceremony. what a great experience. African music experience on TV. Subscribe now to muntumedia

dance africa

bitcoin money transfert to africa

bitcoin money transfert to africa

How to use bitcoin money transfer to Africa or how to save money in your transactions. Bitcoin can now be change everywhere in Africa. This guide walk you trough every step. You also need to be aware of the volatility of everything digital. We move to another technology and always go for the latest. But the is if you want to transfer real money from country A to country B. bitcoin is a perfect option. The transfer can even be anonymous. You have no intermediary from the banking system. The value of your money is determine by the price in the market.
I have been making some saving to build my dream home. After some years of hard work I decided to get started. I could not carry a lot of cash travelling. immigrant use alternative money transfer system. The banking system is backward and the info will end to the tax office. To avoid this I stated buying my digital money. Because I was skeptical I only bought in cash. I mean to someone I could physically make the transaction with. You will be surprise how easy this can be. I when I bought enough bitcoins through different vendors. I bought my flight ticket.
In Africa I did the reverse process. The is that my money did not lose its value. I even had 1.1 average increase. My money was paid back to me in my local bank in Africa. I was not investigated to see where my money came from. In my tax statement there is no trace of this transaction. Now when I have some extra cash and I don’t want my partner to know about. I buy digital goods.
Very important advice though. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Everything digital, virtual is subject to the market. The offer and demand for digital money is universal.

bitcoin money

Sports and entertainment

Sports and entertainment

Many sports are played in the continent. Soccer, Cricket, Field Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Baseball, Basketball. The most popular, most watched, most played, and most revenue-generating Sports in Africa is football and football. Football is in most country in Africa a link that keeps nation united. With the national team performance the country stand together as one to celebrate the victories. But also to morn the defeat. Sports in the black continent have the unity factor more than anywhere. In Africa we have demonstration after a bad national squad performance. And it is not new to the people. We have experienced some extreme case in the past. When Uganda president jail the soccer team after losing a game. Or Cameroonian mob who set fire to the players houses after a poor performance.
Sports can also be in case the showcase. Many can put Cameroon on the map today just because of their good performance in Spain during world cup 1982. Cote d’ivoire have many “ambassadors” playing in the premier league and many other leagues. Many athletes from Kenya, Ethiopia or Uganda have helped promote their country. Investing in sports in Africa is thus a way to stand out in the world. Why is then that Africa do not invest in preparing the athlete? It has been proven now that black are naturally well equipped for physical exercise. Well all African country have more urgent issue to fight. Drought is still a life threat for people in the horn of Africa where you have the best runners. The political corruption is not of good help either. Physical exercise could help some many health problems. In the past people use to eat less fat and walk a lot. Now we buy from the shop and eat fast food.
What always intrigues me is that for long distance you find the runner in Africa. For short distance speed in Jamaica and the US. For me this is a mastery because the fast runners are blacks. Is it the food or the training plan? The genetic or just coincidence? We are still to find a good black runner from Brazil. Sports competition is people joy. The object of the game is secondary. watch live sport at Visit our website for more details. Connect your roku box and iPhone.

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Free movies online

Free movies online

Today free online movies is a sound and straight forward way to watch movies. You can easily watch at home and no need to go the theater. The only requirements are a high speed internet connection and your personal computer. Free online movies are also available directly to your TV set with internet connection. Although all the places offerings free online movies are not legal. You have today many web sites with legal contents. It is also safe to use the legal stuff for your computer or TV. Some site might harm your computer and the repair will cost you more than the movie.
The big brand offer full movies mostly with commercials in between. You can easily find all genres of movies free. Drama, horror, comedy, action and many more. You can find that movie you loved years ago and love to watch again. No need of blockbuster affiliation, in the comfort of your home. You have no time limit to watch the movie. Just switch on your computer or connected TV and watch the free movies online. Many platform offer this service to mobile devices, roku, xbox, playstation.
With the death of DVD rental business, a new door was open. Now many companies offer video on demand (VOD). The main difference usually is the commercials interruptions in the free movies online platform. It is up to the user the level of commercials you are able to take. Do you want to pay $7.99 or you prefer free movies with commercials? It is your choice. Many free movies online are in standard definition. To watch in high definition a fee may apply. high-quality movies look spectacular in your big screen and worth paying the price. You can watch the same movies with friend or even share the movie. Subscribe now and watch your free movie at

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free tv::Africa TV channels

free tv

Free TV channel on muntumedia from different part of Africa. We have a network stream that let you watch free TV shows online. The most popular TV shows made in Africa can be watch online. You don’t need to subscribe to watch your preferred free TV channel. You don’t need to be in Africa either. What you need is you internet connection. From anywhere to any device, TV sets, mobile phones…
On your PC you don’t need to sign up. click on your preferred local TV channel and start viewing. We give you a big range of TV shows aired in Africa. Afrique Media channel, re-broadcast the news of every African country. Days are away now when you will not be aware of what is on your local TV station. The performance of your preferred African football team. The sports were your country is listed.
Lots of people don’t realize that watching TV from your country keeps you connected. You know the culture and the people on TV are your mate. With muntumedia streaming service you can now view free TV just like your family in Africa where ever you are. Discuss with your friends about the hot topics. This is a good way also to promote your culture. Talk about your country politics or social matters. virtually visit your home town on TV screen. To repeat an old say, picture talk more than words. And communication is the force used for development. The new generation have this advantage of TV and phone. Numerous websites have live TV channel today. Youtube the largest video network in the world have live TV channels. Major TV network also do, ABC, HULU, FOX. You can always find your favorite TV channel somewhere online. You need to search and try. Some will provide the service free while other will get paid.

free tv africa

run guide for fitness, walking health

run guide for fitness, walking health

Why we wrote this guide?
run, walking, fitness contribute strongly to our health condition. Where naturally people used to do all these activities every day. Today with the change to sedentary life we all tend to do less physical activities. For healthy life, good body fit, social fun. Much have been said on the physical activities link with healthy life. Because it is important we taught it can be said more times and get to more people.

Who this guide is for?
We wrote this guide for anyone trying to improve as a person through physical exercise. For those of who thinking this is like climbing Everest and you will never make it. We want you to know it is possible and are eager to show you how we and other people started running or walking with our tips.

How much of this guide should I read?
Because we made this guide in sequences, its better read from cover-to-cover. Chapters are orderly linked. The method used here is step by step to the ultimate goal, the habit of regular physical exercise. off-course you are free to jump to a different chapter if you are doing exercise but just want to enrich your knowledge in a specific chapter.

run guide for fitness, walking health

Chapter One health
The easy way to start is to get the habit of exercise. Like a patient takes pills at particular time every par a sickness, we should find time for physical daily exercise. Health is the main issue for grown up men and women and physical exercise its corner stone. You should exercise according to your health condition, gender, age … At the beginning it is normal to feel weak after exercise, any other activity is hard at the beginning. If you have health issue you should talk this with your doctor who will be very happy to know you are doing healthy exercise. Your physician will also advice you on the time best for you and the duration of the exercises. Your health will be the first element you notice, as the change of feeling will be so intense. You will also notice other changes like the way you socialize and get along in life

Chapter two
Activities are a social connector in society. Now you decided to start your physical exercise, you will find people around you doing the same activity. I have friend from my gymnasium and people say hello to me regularly when I walk. Nobody will like to live in a lonely planet we like to be around people and when we say hello or they say hello to us we have the good feeling. Our day is brighten and we tend to act positive from that time. The society is changing with the online boom, we reach the people thousands of miles away but cannot say hello to a neighbor. Be pleasant when you go out for exercise, when you meet people and they notice you say hello. Its free! Join group of people like you to do the activity. I have friends for my weekly walks, friend for my runs as well. People I would never have met without doing my exercise. It is more excite to practice in group and you can share views on any topic while doing your workout.

chapter three
We are in a different era and there is no need to walk miles to go to work. The down side is the machines and vehicles are taking away the natural physical activity people used to do. Our body shape and weight is a medical issue today, because the food is abundant and we can’t find a way to burn out all the energy taken in. Our daily physical activity will take the burden away. Our mobility will increase which is the number one condition for health. We will like our body, and not hate it. We will eat without danger of over weight almost everything. So why still wait, lets get started today. First chose the right time for you…

run guide for fitness, walking health

Chapter four walk
Walking is a basic movement we use every day. Walking exercise is just the increment we make in a number of daily steps. You might need 20 steps to get from your bed to the kitchen, while 1 hour walk will earn you thousands of steps. Find a nice place near your home or your work place with flat terrain, straight path or any other suitable place of your choice. Remember it should be around you to avoid the excuses you might use later, too far, no time …
-wear suitable walking shoes. The footwear is important to avoid foot injury
-find a park near your home or work. Most cities park are flat and you don’t have traffic from cars
-indoor you can use treadmill set at slow speed
After a sedentary period you need to start out with shorter distance and time. Be specific on your target and write your goals in notebook or diary. Say you start 30 minutes twice or 3 times a week. you should progressively move to 60 minutes after a month of exercise.
Like in all your daily task, you need a strong mental attitude. You can’t give up on walking. If you need music to keep you entertained while you are walking get a music player. Let your mind roll freely about stuff that are going on your life.
Because you need hydration as car need fuel, drink water before you start exercise. You can carry a small bottle of water at hand always throughout your exercise, and hydrate anytime needed. Locate a bathroom somewhere you can ease yourself in case you need it.
Your walk should be divided in two if you are walking in a long track, so will be your time too. You walk 15 minutes from point A to point B, you will need another 15 minutes to walk back to point A. So keep this in mind and avoid being stranded with no strength to walk back.


chapter five run
Running is the simplest and cheapest sports available out there. It is also a natural sport. As babies we croll, walk and then run. The moment they can run, kids run for everything. Its a way of life we carry in our gene, children run for fun. Running is also among the physical activities we can do everywhere, at anytime.
First get a good pair of running shoes, and clothing suitable for running condition. Remember the shoes have to be comfortable for walking, not necessarily expensive. Leave those expensive sports shoes for professionals.
Stretching is an important part of your run. Stretch before and after exercise to warm up your muscles before stressing them and to release after.
Start slow, and time short to build up. You will avoid injury and pain by increasing gradually. In general you should start walking before moving to running. Walk for 2 minutes and run for one. This will help you alternate and recover your breath while walking. You will increase the running time gradually by 30 seconds when you find yourself comfortable. The overall time should not be more than 20 minutes at the beginning. Time will be increasing as your body respond. If you run out of breath, stop and reduce your running time. Remember baby run for fun, so should you.
Reserve time for your run weekly. Two to three times per week will always be enough for beginners. You don’t need to rush as you are planning to do this for a long period. Your first goal should be like jogging for 20 minutes, make it easy. You need confidence if you are to keep the habit and have fun while you practice.
Everybody have different condition, some people will prefer to run in the park. Other in the streets or on the treadmill. Chose what option is better for you and start running.
Among your friends you surely have someone who will like to run with you. If you don’t when you get started you will find people around you who want to join you. You will develop new friendships for your daily runs. You will change your life, by living a healthy lifestyle through exercise. The benefits will be endless, new friends (real friends around you), energetic, good body shape you will be proud of.
The prime concern of adult life is health, and physical exercise is a good personal health monitor.

run guide for fitness, walking health