2, 3, 5 what these nunbers tells us?
June 2018 egypt, morocco, nigeria, senegal and tunisia to represent africa to the world cup tournament. millions of africans deposit hope on these squad to take africa to the top. years ago africa was represented only with two countries. a shame we cry!!!! this time with five all out in the first round!!! why? a friend told me this was a matter of luck. actually I can’t tell, the fact is the african participation went merely unnoticed. yes I know germany went home also early. Germany was the last wold cup winner…

football is the number one sport in africa and we need to claim that throne. the crown belong to us either we go for it now or we stop participating. The africa top 5 squads have to do better. egypt, morocco, nigeria, senegal and tunisia you were all able to top your group in afrcan competition. well done for that. as per world cup russia 2018, you went below avrage to be fair. No blame no hard talk, you did your best. just saying next time we want africa to be represented in the world cup tournament with 10 football teams. we have to think it twice. it is better to have a solid african team to claim the world cup than having plenty for disillusion.
african futball by numbers
more and more players from different african origin, will perform well. Germany, Italy, Austria…. african are everywhere. you are wright, no need to mention england, belgium or france. normal in africa we still defend those as part of the colonial empire. this is a footbal empire and let african player play for different country in africa. camerounian playing with france, yes of course. but why senegalese never play for nigeria? the african revolution is taking place let be part of it.