All posts by meh12ne

Africa, revolution take-off in Burkina

African revolution sparks Burkina Faso

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Africa, revolution take off in Burkina Faso with the protest to force the end of 27 years rule. Will the international community support the black protesters like in the Arab spring? The local population is sick and tired of the ruler who will stay in power for ever. Blaise Compaore the fellow ruling in Burkina for the past 27 years. He still want to change the constitution to stay in office. 27 years when some of us were not born yet he got to power after a coup. This is the guy going out there for peace talk in Africa. This continent need people who wants his progress. Almighty France, if Burkina get out of control, it will happen elsewhere. Paul Biya (82 years !!!) has been in office since 1982 in Cameroon. Robert Mugabe (90 years old!! honestly?) in office for the past 27. José Eduardo dos Santos (72 years old) with 35 in office in Angola. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 72 years old from the oil rich Equatorial Guinea with 32 in office. The top three everlasting Africa presidents, Angola, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.
Africa is becoming the best place for third age rulers. Because these old men are close to the exit door. They can not think about the population. Life expectancy is around 50 years in Africa. Because of the lack of medical facilities and personal. Cuba a tiny island is exporting doctors and have life expectancy of modern country. In fact Cuba have more doctors than all Africa combine. These old African president have their medical check-up in Europe. The international community should get involve like elsewhere with lighter skin. Joseph Kabila is planning to make the same move. In office since 2001 (13 years) he will be candidate for the next election.
The international community have to give the same backup to African fighting for change. Africa crave for the change his leader. Who dies in office and leave the children to continue!!! Togo, Gabon,.. next Angola? Central African Republic is in a turmoil because the population did not make the choice. Democracy is for majority of people to elect their leader. Make no mistake, democracy is also to removing incompetent and corrupt leaders from office.
Burkina faso showing Africa the way. The Blaise Compaore is stepping down!!! Yes you heard e right, Burkina Faso president stands down and calls for elections. Democracy wins. Paul Biya, Eduardo Dos Santos, Robert Mugabe …. Are you going to leave or will wait until pushed out?

Sex business in Africa

Sex business in Africa

Sex tourism is growing in Africa and the market is booming. We can easily relate sex to poverty in the continent. Problem is the spread of MST in the young people. Many countries are hot tourist destinations because we can easily find cheap sexual activities. Although it is not widely condemn this is frequent in African paradise. Many family encourage their girls to find a white partner. Young girls often with old white men, who will like be gran fathers. Women out of shape to experience vigorous young black male. Poverty is supporting this illicit market, the offer and demand. A recent documentary in Mombasa was heart breaking. You have similar situation in Abidjan or Dakar.

sex tourisim africa

The culture of everybody getting rich and easy life does not help. Many female illegal immigrant crossing Mediterranean sea will end up in the street. Have a look in the big cities in Europe. Milan, Paris, Barcelona … You find African hookers by hundreds. Of course prostitution is being accepted now in Europe and can account for GDP. And prostitutes can boost of 100% employment when they arrive in Europe. Thanks to their pimps ready to find them a place to work.

African peace keeping mission and sex

There is a growing concern among the NGOs’s. The peace force that suppose to protect population is always involve in sex scandals. We heard of cases in DRC, in RCA, south Sudan. There is an an online sexual community in South Sudan! In west Africa while fighting ebola virus we involve also in cyber-sex. The offer is in the rise with adult contact web pages. Featuring events, venues and people. Never feel lonely again, everybody is welcome to join. You just need to be over 18+ years old. The next element you may consider is that these activities take place at night.

clems onyeka dead by stray bullets

clems onyeka dead by stray bullets

clems onyeka dead

Clems onyeka dead by stray bullets in home town Asaba yesterday. The safety issue remain a big concern in Nigeria the biggest economy in Africa. How to survive in Nigeria. Nigeria is a great place to live. The problem might be on how. There are not written rules. Like we normally say down here you need to be fast. Your brain have to be sharp at any moment. When boarding a taxi or buying in Alaba market. If you know all the pattern you always see it coming. Let’s say you board a taxi, first hand you have to know if it is a genuine. Or some bandit taking you to the meeting spot with accomplice to rip you off. This is not rocket science but it works. You can also lay the hard guy like clems onyeka and end up dead. Fortune can also turn his back on you and get you at the wrong place wrong time. Point is these things happens also in modern society like the US. While in the US your colour will play the sparking role. In Nigeria poverty make people want to improve their lives at all cost. “No matter what, you have to make it.”
The fact is Clems Onyeka died because he ran armed robbers and was shot dead. This is a great lost for his family and friend. The Nollywood rising star lost is a tragedy. Onyeka has just won the star academy award for his acting. Life can be tragic and he will not longer perform. when everything seemed to be promising for the Asaba actor. You will not be forgotten, Clems Onyeka. Rest in peace with your ancestors.
This death remind me of Lucky Dube the South African star. Also shot dead by armed robbers. Burglars have no respect for human life.

media made in Africa

media made in Africa

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Media made in Africa online to inform Africa. Why Gaddafi was remove, why there is war in Central African Republic or Sudan? Facts or only gossip for native. Afrique media TV broadcast a documentary on why the Libya everlasting leader was removed. According to that film the western world was just trying to stop him from the idea of African Union. Just like EU with its own currency, and institutions. Most of these project are on paper and have funded by Libya. All french speaking country in Africa don’t have currency. They used a kind of workaround with French Central Bank. The problem is if someone else control your finance you have no independence period! You can then come to the conclusion that half of the 53 independents state in Africa re only France backyard.

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Afrique Media and Africa24 tv are now bringing up this subjects. With African economist, because they are available. If you take your army in a foreign land to bring peace, please do just that. If you can not secure Bangui in Central African Republic then go home. Is not that the UN or the African UNION will do better. Is just that if you take the lead make sure you deliver. Bozize was not good for you, Djotidia even worse. And where is Ms Catherine Samba Panza coming from?

Why Africa is not getting the help they need? If the infrastructure precede development, then re-plan your “AID” to the black continent. To make poor African government go to a peace meeting in Paris is just foolish. They spend the little they have in luxury hotel, while hospital lack of aspirin. African media have to say it people should know. The right to decide whether we accept your help or no. Ebola is out there since the 70’s but nobody was concern.

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Now we are in a race against the clock before the disease gets out of Africa.
We can screen the African passengers at the airports. But if you listen to the media today, on TV is like we are safe. People can be OK at the airport and develop the disease after. Treating Ebola patient at home a solution? These guys don’t have hospitals in the first place. I hope we will not see family abandon their loves ones. Because honestly if you lack basic medical care. Who will go cure the patients of Ebola at home? Information and freedom in the mass media.

online TV news

online TV news free

online tv free

Online tv free for your home local news. Internet brings your local TV to your home. TV sets, set top box, mobile phones, high end devices. Wherever you are, you can watch your local TV channel. Now available for your roku streaming box. Pause and rewind the TV when you want to. The new way to keep inform in your office and away. No country restriction to our online channels. You want to hear about Africa, just tune in. The local news from your homeland.
With the surge of deadly disease ebola, stay updated. You will watch the latest development from the African continent. The news read by African, the way they see it. Also greats story of achievement and progress in general.

The invasion of Chinese population in Africa.

What is a surprise today is the absence of any Chinese or Indian contaminated. The only victims are from Country involved in AID program. Most work in medical care where Asian are not interested. The only interest of Asia in Africa is economy and economy. The raw material, the fuel of African invasion. The Americans, French, Spanish work with the NGOs to help improve people life. And they are now wrecked with the deadly disease, ebola. This is just to say how life can be. The Madrid victim work in the hospital trying to save the life of a missionary. The missionary working in development in Sierra Leona with the poor. He did give his life for a better world.

Online news is now a common place both in papers and TV. All media need to cover the market created by online media. Internet media is thus a must in your media plan business. The latest high end devices allow all type of content. Watch your TV online on your smartphone or tablet. Dynamic and mobile content everywhere.

TV news to inform and educate on ebola virus

TV news to inform and educate on ebola virus

How the TV is spreading the news about the only few western contaminated by ebola virus. What you need to know about the disease show down on TV. Fiction is soon to turn out to be a nightmare. How many movies have you seen with imaginary disease. The virus is more deadly and without treatment. The TV news looks like these movies, something unrealistic.

ebola outbreak on tv news
ebola to boost homophobia

The sci-fiction thriller directed by Kinji Fukasaku, virus is an example. The ebola virus plague is now spreading uncontrollably throughout the US and Europe. In today global world the disease are like the world economy. Everything is interconnected including disease outbreak. The fear of the increase of homophobia is a real concern.

ebola share on tv news

A deadly virus like the one responsible for ebola disease is a common enemy. Africa and the western world should joined in this epic fight for a cure. Many realize just now that nobody is safe and you can get the virus in the west. It is important therefore to have all the TV news tuned in. The only vaccine available is information. Do you how you can get the disease?

A new stigmata for Africa

Now being black will mean suspect of carrying ebola virus. Many African-Americans who don’t know where Africa is will be affected. Just like African immigrants worldwide. The danger is today from immigration in my opinion for non African. You have like many Chinese and Indian working in Africa. We know China is not just Germany or Switzerland. India is not the USA or the UK. When we have a contaminated person in these giant without the modern health care. What will be the response then. We know of the high rate of death from the ebola virus. TV news in the world should inform to prevent before is too late.

immigration and ebola against africa

immigration and ebola against Africa

Why immigration with more than 3072 deaths in 2014 only is not fought like Ebola with 3083 death all together? Many African lost their lives every year trying to reach Europe. There are thousands of them who will never cross the Mediterranean sea. In the attempt to the promise land they board in small boat without life jackets. Mos can not swim and have never been close to the sea. But the desperation will boost their courage to the death. Its a big shame because it happens every year. In Spain and Italy it is seasonal just like summer and winter. can we find a vaccine for immigration to stop the deaths?

immigration and ebola
immigration and ebola

immigration and ebola

Ebola is in the other end of this spectrum of death. Here people are caught by surprise without any mean to defend themselves. most will die from the Ebola virus. Those who survive will live under constant suspicion that they can contaminate. I am only saying Ebola is one of many danger that threaten Africa. All the threat most be dealt with and it is a mistake to think that today the number one killer in Africa is Ebola virus.

black tv channels

Black TV channels for African and African-american

Black TV channels for African and African-american. Streaming Afro contents to reach all Africa and the world. The latest news and show, sports and music, history and culture a like.

black tv, the afro screen
black television

black live stream

Africa TV is my love and I will like to share with others. My streaming project is therefore about sharing my passion with others. Africa is the unknown for lack of exposure by African. Here you will find the news cast by African living in Africa today. The exposure to western culture remain low in such cases. People act natural and say their mind. Politically or socially correct boundary is just African culture. I like to watch the mixture of news made at africa24 channel. All countries are brief here and you are update with the daily affairs.

The cultural impact in black television is making possible that children out of Africa get an accurate picture. Some story may shock but it is what it is. Just telling it without all the fancy or the disregard from non black. Watch the free TV channel on to have first hand.

ebola outbreak in west africa

ebola outbreak in west africa

ebola outbreak in west africa, is the world response appropriate? Sending troops in west africa to fight ebola? Good for the headlines anyway for the obamacare. West africa desperately need urgent assistance not a strategic move. People are dying from ebola every day and we want to send troops on the ground? when will the 3,000 troops will be going to africa? Troops are needed to fight boko haram in nigeria, to stop genocide in south sudan. What west africa need to counter the ebola outbreak is medical personnel and medicine. Always give africa all but what they need or stay away. You want the local population see you as a savior while you improve your political exposure. 3,000 troops at 200 bucks per head and day you still spend $600,000 per day!!! more than what the local government can spend on staff a month. Surely help is needed to fight the ebola virus I am not just sure we are doing the right thing at this time.ebola outbreak in west africa

ebola outbreak in west africa

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afrique media television

afrique media television, the african news mix

afrique media television, the african tv news mix. All african local news country by country in english, french or portuguese. watch africa multi television on everywhere, anytime and on any device

afrique media tv
afrique madia

This african tv channel broadcast news from different parts of africa. From ghana to kenya or from sudan to south africa. you can watch here the local news from your country. The tv channel rebroadcast the news of all africa setting a multi room like africa super tv. If you are from nigeria hang on until you watch the local news from nigerian television authority. the same applies to sudan or congo, cameroon or ivory coast. the tv network is quite new and set to challenge the big ones. Africa24, or africable have been out there for long now but with some limitation. broadcast was only possible for televisions from french speaking countries. afrique media is therefore changing the game by giving the news in all languages available.
africable left europe and is only seen in africa today. leaving africa24 and afmed the face to face in search of viewers. the viewer out of africa has the choice to fill his need for african news. keep connected to africa on your mobie phone or tablet. muntumedia makes the contents available for any device, including roku box. afrique media tv on your roku box in the US, UK and Canada. even in africa today you can watch live news from say tanzania in your iphone. It seems communication i the only thing africa can keep the world pace. content anywhere, anytime like in developed countries. third world country with the latest on communication, mobile phones and entertainment. with afrique media you do not need any specific channel for a country. You have a channel that offers a compilations of many differents tv channels.

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