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With the surge of deadly disease ebola, stay updated. You will watch the latest development from the African continent. The news read by African, the way they see it. Also greats story of achievement and progress in general.
The invasion of Chinese population in Africa.
What is a surprise today is the absence of any Chinese or Indian contaminated. The only victims are from Country involved in AID program. Most work in medical care where Asian are not interested. The only interest of Asia in Africa is economy and economy. The raw material, the fuel of African invasion. The Americans, French, Spanish work with the NGOs to help improve people life. And they are now wrecked with the deadly disease, ebola. This is just to say how life can be. The Madrid victim work in the hospital trying to save the life of a missionary. The missionary working in development in Sierra Leona with the poor. He did give his life for a better world.
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