The ultimate TV guide
Find out what is hot on african television. The latest news on politics and economy. The music that is making people dance in the disco in Lagos or Johannesburg. African TV guide, here you can watch free African TV channels online 24 hours. The live news from any country in Africa. The same TV program watch in Africa you can watch now every where in the globe. Internet Tv is cutting off the borders and bringing people closer. My friend in the US today can see a tv program I am currently watching in Lagos or London. Now with muntumedia, we making it possible in one plate form for the African continent. Contents language vary according to countries, french and english being the most spoken. You have also some program and news cast in local languages. If you live in australia and can listen to your local yorouba, igbo or Hausa news. This a big step for Africa in the technology era. Stay aware of the latest on the missing nigerian girls or the conflict in south sudan or in central african republic.