immigration and ebola against Africa
Why immigration with more than 3072 deaths in 2014 only is not fought like Ebola with 3083 death all together? Many African lost their lives every year trying to reach Europe. There are thousands of them who will never cross the Mediterranean sea. In the attempt to the promise land they board in small boat without life jackets. Mos can not swim and have never been close to the sea. But the desperation will boost their courage to the death. Its a big shame because it happens every year. In Spain and Italy it is seasonal just like summer and winter. can we find a vaccine for immigration to stop the deaths?
Ebola is in the other end of this spectrum of death. Here people are caught by surprise without any mean to defend themselves. most will die from the Ebola virus. Those who survive will live under constant suspicion that they can contaminate. I am only saying Ebola is one of many danger that threaten Africa. All the threat most be dealt with and it is a mistake to think that today the number one killer in Africa is Ebola virus.