Tag Archives: travel

Sex business in Africa
Sex business in Africa
Sex tourism is growing in Africa and the market is booming. We can easily relate sex to poverty in the continent. Problem is the spread of MST in the young people. Many countries are hot tourist destinations because we can easily find cheap sexual activities. Although it is not widely condemn this is frequent in African paradise. Many family encourage their girls to find a white partner. Young girls often with old white men, who will like be gran fathers. Women out of shape to experience vigorous young black male. Poverty is supporting this illicit market, the offer and demand. A recent documentary in Mombasa was heart breaking. You have similar situation in Abidjan or Dakar.
The culture of everybody getting rich and easy life does not help. Many female illegal immigrant crossing Mediterranean sea will end up in the street. Have a look in the big cities in Europe. Milan, Paris, Barcelona … You find African hookers by hundreds. Of course prostitution is being accepted now in Europe and can account for GDP. And prostitutes can boost of 100% employment when they arrive in Europe. Thanks to their pimps ready to find them a place to work.
African peace keeping mission and sex
There is a growing concern among the NGOs’s. The peace force that suppose to protect population is always involve in sex scandals. We heard of cases in DRC, in RCA, south Sudan. There is an an online sexual community in South Sudan! In west Africa while fighting ebola virus we involve also in cyber-sex. The offer is in the rise with adult contact web pages. Featuring events, venues and people. Never feel lonely again, everybody is welcome to join. You just need to be over 18+ years old. The next element you may consider is that these activities take place at night.