culture or the choice to remain in the dark
Culture is what guide the African culture. The question today is are we to hold to our culture, the way our fore father have about life. their believe, gods, traditions or should we shake the script and write our own. This is a dilemma for all Africans per our respect to the elderly is the mecca. We owe the respect to the old, the cultural aspect of it. Culture is more about clinging to the past. Its more about knowing what it was like in the pass and the way we’ve gone. Many will argue we should keep our culture. And I say lets stay in the nature, in the wild forest. Raining on us when we can live in modern houses. You can not take the modern houses then setup a huge fire to make your dishes. May be a fire place in cold area to warm the house.
The modern African culture is about the change that produce in the population. The growing interest to improve our life condition. The compromise to pass to the next generation our history. The commitment of never refusing who we where. know where you come from to plan where is your destination.
Africa today should face this as a meta. The youth have to bear that thirst of change keeping the fathers memories. Technology is our ally today, use it to be more and get more. It is gone the time when we have to wait for everything to happen. today we can use the knowledge to predict thus to be prepare for the upcoming. No matter what the future have for the black continent, the children of Africa are ready for it. Giving has always been the African drive, its time we give to the world our vision. How we live and die is part of our personality. the way we approach these theme is a mark of our being. We don’t need to copy orders just to learn from them. As the child learn from the father to be a better human being.